DICOM Modality Worklist Query

The Order Manager tool integrates a feature which allows the user to send Modality Worklist Information Model C-Find queries to order fillers.

Register your SUT as a DICOM SCP

If you are already a user of the Order Manager tool, you may have registered your System Under Test as an Order Filler, giving its HL7 configuration. In order to send the DICOM queries to your SUT, the tool also needs some informations about your DICOM configuration.

Create a new configuration under SUT Configurations / DICOM SCP. You need to provide a name (to easily retrieve your configuration), the hostname or IP address, the port and the AE title used by your SUT. If you are logged in when creating the configuration, you will be asked if you want this configuration to remain private or if you want to share it with others.

The AE Title sent by the tool is Gazelle_OM. If your SUT accepts only some AE titles, do not forget to add this one.

Configure the message to be sent

Go to Radiology / Acquisition Modality / [RAD-5] Modality Worklist Query.

In the top part of the page, select the configuration of your SUT. Connection information will be displayed on the right hand of the sequence diagram, check they are still up-to-date.

Then, the page is divided into two parts, on the left hand you have a tree representation of the C-FIND message being sent and on the right hand you have a panel to append additional tags to the query.

Tree representation and value setting

Each leaf of the tree represents a DICOM attribute: name tag <VR> <value>

To set a value to a leaf, just click on "value" and enter the attribute value to send. Then press ENTER key or click on the green mark. If you want to remove a value, either edit the tag and delete its content, either right-click on it and select "Empty attribute" in the contextual menu.

Each branch of the tree represents a DICOM sequence attribute : name tag <VR>

Appending attributes

To append an attribute to the root of the query, use the panel located on the right hand of the page; either enter the tag (use hexa format, eg. 0x0101,0x1010) the hit the "Add" button either select its name in the drop-down menu and hit the "Add" button. The list contains the name attribute which can be found in a worklist. If one of the attribute is missing, add it using its tag. 

To append an attribute to a sequence, right-click on the sequence name and select "Add an item". Then process as described just below. 

To value a newly added attribute, proceed as described in the previous section.

Removing tags

Each attribute/sequence attribute can be removed from the tree. Right-click on the attribute to delete and select "Remove attribute".


The technical framework defines to set of matching key attributes to be supported by the acquisition modality and/or importer actors. You can choose to highlight those attributes in the tree.

Below the tree, an "Options" panel is available. You can expand it by clicking on its header. Three choices are available:

  • None: nothing is highlighted
  • Keys for Query by Patient: the attributes listed in table 4.5-1 of the technical framework will be highlighted. There are the matching keys to be supported when querying a worklist for a particular patient.
  • Keys for Broad Worklist Query: the attributes listed in table 4.5-2 of the technical framework will be highlighted. There are the matching keys to be supported when performing a query for a broad worklist.

Send message

Once the query is ready to be sent to your system, hit the "Execute" button.

View exchanged messages

A proxy catches all the messages sent and received by the tool. When the execution of the query is complete, the list of messages exchanged between your system under test and the Gazelle tool will be available.