Work Order management (Laboratory domain)
The OrderManager tool is able to manage work orders; that means that it can act either as an Order Filler or an Automation Manager for the LAB-4 transaction defined in the Laboratory Technical Framework. As a consequence, both parts support OML^O21^OML_O21, OML^O33^OML_O33 and OML^O35^OML_O35 message structures.
Your SUT acts as an Order Filler
As an Order Filler, you may want to send messages to our Automation Manager. To do so, retrieve the configuration of the Automation Manager part of the simulator from menu Laboratory/Automation Manager/Configuration.
If you want to see the work orders received by the Automation Manager, go to Laboratory/Automation Manager/Browse data menu. The creator of the work orders contained in the messages you send is set to SendingApplication_SendingFacility.
Your SUT acts as an Automation Manager
There are two ways to send messages to your Automation Manager from the Order Manager tool. The first thing you have to do in both cases, is registering your system under test within the application. To do so, go to the "SUT Configurations" section of the tool, and click on the "Create a configuration..." button. Read the tutorial here for further explanation.
Creating a work order from scratch
Going to Laboratory/Order Filler/[LAB-4] Notify Automation Manager of work orders, you will reach the page which allows you to configure a new work order or to cancel a work order known by the Order Filler part of the tool.
As defined in the Laboratory Technical Framework, the Order Filler and the Automation Manager may use three different structures to share work orders. The Order Filler implemented in the tool is able to send all of them. Differences between structures imply that the way to build a work order in not the same depending on the message you want to send. As a consequence, before creating an order, you will have to tell the simulator which structure you want to use.
Then select an encounter from the displayed list. Using "Create a new patient and encounter" you will be able to ask for the generation of a new patient with random demographic data, using "Create a new encounter for an existing patient" you will get a new encounter for a patient selected in the displayed list.
Laboratory order message (OML^O21^OML_O21)
This message structure is battery-centric. To build such a message, follow the steps below:
- You are first asked to fill out the work order properties (use the "Fill with random values" button for a random filling of the form).
- Once you think the order is properly defined, click on "Create a specimen for order" button.
- A new form appears, fill it out with the specimen properties, in the same way as previously the "Fill with random values" button can help you for this task.
- Click on "Add to current order" to add the specimen to the work order you have previously created.
- If you need more than one specimen, click on "Add a specimen to this order" button and repeat steps 3 to 5.
- Once all the specimens are created, click on "Send message" button.
Note that you can remove a specimen from the list using the red "minus" sign located on each row of the table.
Laboratory order for multiple orders related to a single specimen (OML^O33^OML_O33)
This message structure is specimen-centric. To build such a message, follow the steps below:
- You are first asked to fill out the specimen properties (use the "Fill with random values" button for a random filling of the form).
- Once you think the specimen is properly defined, click on "Create an order for specimen" button.
- A new form appears, fill it out with the work order properties, in the same way as previously the "Fill with random values" button can help you for this task.
- Click on "Add to current specimen" button to add the work order to the specimen you have previously created.
- If you need more than one work order, click on "Add an order to this specimen" button and repeat steps 3 to 5.
- Once all the orders are created, click on "Send message" button.
Note that you can remove a work order from the list using the red "minus" sign located on each row of the table.
Laboratory order for multiple orders related to a single container of a specimen (OML^O35^OML_O35)
This message structure is specimen-centric. For each specimen, a list of containers is given and for each container, a list of work orders is specified. To build such a message, follow the steps below:
- You are first asked to fill out the specimen properties (use the "Fill with random values" button for a random filling of the form).
- Once you think the specimen is properly defined, click on "Create a container for specimen" button. The list of containers specified for the current specimen is displayed.
- To add a work order for a given specimen click on the "Add an order for this container" button.
- Fill out the work order properties and click on the "Add to current container" button. The work order will be displayed within a table below the relative container.
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have created all the work orders you want.
- If you need to add another container to the specimen, click on "Add a container for specimen" button.
- To add work orders to this new container, repeat steps 3 and 4.
- Finally, click on the "Send message" button.
Note that you can remove a work order from a container using the red "minus" sign located on each row of the table. You can also remove a container from the specimen by clicking on the red "minus" sign located beside the container identifier.
Cancellation of an order
See below the instruction to send a cancellation notification to your Automation Manager.
- Select your system under test from the drop-down list entitled "System Under Test".
- Then select the action to perform: Cancel an existing order
- Select the structure of message to use
- Select the order to cancel. A pop-up raises, click on "Yes" to send the cancellation message.
Creating a work order from an existing laboratory order
In the context of a workflow, the work order is created by the Order Filler from a laboratory order previously received from an Order Placer or created within the Order Filler itself. The tool allows the user to create a work order using a laboratory order owned by the Order Filler part of the tool. The message structure used to send such a work order will be the same that the one used at receiving/sending time of the related laboratory order.
To select the laboratory order to use, go to the "Laboratory/Order Filler/Browse data" section and select one of "All orders (battery-centric)" or "All orders (specimen-centric)". Use the button to select the laboratory order/specimen to use. A new page will be opened, the lists of related work orders/specimens/containers are displayed. You can remove the entities which must not appear in the message using the
button. Do not forgot to select your system under test configuration in the drop-down list at the top of the page and click on the "Send message" button.