EXPANDathon 2015 Technical Resources

Getting ready for participation in the EXPANDathon involves more than buying a plane ticket to Lisbon. During the second half of November, participants complete a set of required pre-connectathon tests. Begining of December, participants pre-load test data, finish some last-minute pre-connectathon tests, and familiarize themselves with the tests they will be required to run at the EXPANDathon. The links below contain details for your EXPANDathon preparation activities.

Email for contact
If you need help or question, you can contact the testing session manager of the EXPANDathon session, or the technical manager of IHE-Europe.
Gazelle Gazelle is IHE's online tool for managing registration, pre-Testing & EXPANDathon testing.
Detailed EXPANDathon timeline

Please see the detailed calandar

Weekly reminders What should I be working on this week?  Stay on-track with your preparation!
Profiles to be tested Review the list of profiles to be tested. Please note those that are 'dropped' or which have low registration.
EXPAND Specifications

Ensure that you are working off the latest documentation (not an out-of-date version on your hard drive). Final EXPAND specifications are : 

D3 A 3_epSOS_EED_Design-v1.1.docx
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_Algorithms-and-Key-Length_v1.0-2.doc
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_AuditTrail-v1.2.doc
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_BPPC-v1.1.doc
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_IHE_XCA_Binding-v1.0.doc
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_IHE_XCPD_Binding-v1.0.doc
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_IHE_XDR_Binding-v1.1.doc
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_Messaging_Binding-v1.0.doc
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_SAML_Binding-v1.1.doc
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED_TSL_Binding-v1 0.doc
D3 A 7_epSOS_EED-X.509-Profiles_v1.0.doc
D3.C.1 - Proof of Concept Testing Strategy v1.5.docx
D3.C.2 - epSOS Phase 2 Test Infrastructure with All Tools_v3.docx
Tool resources  
ATNA testing & digital certificates Pre-connectathon & connectathon testing requirements for the ATNA profile.  How to get your digital certificate. It is recommended that the NCP provide their own digital certificates !
Training resources

Pointers to training & documentation about tools, gazelle & connectathon processes.

In addition to these materials, three training session are prepared :

- one for registration

- one for pre-CAT testing preparation

- one for EXPANDathon preparation

Network & configuration details  Configurations for your test systems, OID assignments, IP addresses, Connectathon network description
Connectathon logistics IHE Europe staff manages contracts, fees, badges, hotel & shipping, and provides help for all non-technical details regarding the connectathon.
Connecthon FAQ Answers to questions many first-time participants ask.

   Contact Us! Get help when you need it.