NA Connectathon 2018 Week Resources

  Bookmark this page for easy access to resources used to support your Connectathon testing.

The contents of this page apply to a past Connectathon. 

For details on the NA 2019 IHE Connectathon, see

Testing schedule for the week


Mon, Jan 15, 2018  8:00 am -  4:00 pm EST On-site check-in / badge pickup
Mon, Jan 15, 2018  8:00 am - 10:00 am Connectathon Participant system set-up
Mon, Jan 15, 2018 10:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 1
Tue, Jan 16, 2018  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 2
Wed, Jan 17, 2018  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Session 3
Thu, Jan 18, 2018  9:00 am -  5:30 pm Connectathon Test Sesson 4
Fri, Jan 19, 2018  8:00 am -  noon Connectathon Test Session 5: Hard stop at noon


After-hours access:

Participants with a valid badge will have access to the Connectathon Floor...

Daily 'need to know' announcements

The Connectathon venue makes oral announcements impractical.

Please check your email at 9am and 1:30pm each day. We will send twice-daily "need to know" announcements to the na_connectathon email list.

Seating Assignments

-- Seating assignments - There are two tabs in this spreadsheet. On the first tab, each cell represents one table with two chairs; table locations are identified by a letter/number, eg L28. The second tab shows seating assignments sorted by Organization. You can use the spreadsheet now for a table location if you need to ship something or order services. Your table location will also be entered in Gazelle before the end of the calendar year (2017). This will show up for you and your partners as you are running tests.
-- Connectathon floor plan

Network Info

Wireless / General

    • SSID:  NA2018
    • Password:  cleveland18
    • Security type:  TBD

Wireless / PCD Testers

  • SSID:  PCD
  • Password:  cleveland18
  • Security type:  TBD


Gazelle on-site:

Outside of Connectathon floor, URL remains the same:

Guidance for Monday's session

We hope you've already reviewed the 10 Connectathon Tips from the Pros.

Monday 7:30-10am is for system set-up.  After 10am, we expect you to perform testing. Here is guidance on goals to accomplish during Monday's testing session:

    • Configure and connect to tools for your profiles.
    • Complete the 5-minute Consistent Time "CT_Client" test
    • Content Creators -- submit CDA/C-CDA docs into the samples area of gazelle for evaluation
    • Modalities/Evidence Creators -- submit DICOM samples into gazelle and the Central Archive
    • Submit media you create to the assigned Monitor -->  give XDM and PDI media to monitor Dawn Schwartz at table N22
      • It is good practice to hand a monitor your media rather than just dropping it at the table.
    • Any other tests labeled "*_Do_This_First" or "*_Read_This_First"
    • In general, work on other no-peer tests.
    • Then, move on to peer-to-peer tests.

Ask questions. Get help:

IHE USA staff - Help desk

      • logistics, "I'm lost", shipping...

Network staff - (C31)

Tool help - see section below

Steve Moore - (P28)

      • First & last resource for technical support.  Ask me anything.
      • QRPH, PCC and C-CDA/HealthStory tests, test requirements & grading
      • Gazelle help. Traditional Level 1 and Level 2 support.
        • "I need to reset my password"
        • "I need to drop a profile/actor"

Lynn Felhofer - (P27)

      • ITI and Radiology tests, test requirements & grading
      • Monitor support

Eric Poiseau - (P26)

      • LAB, PATH, PHARM tests, test requirements & grading
      • Gazelle support. This is Level 3 support.

 Paul Sherman - (F21)

      • PCD tests, test requirements & grading

Assigned partners for some profiles

Tools - locations & support

Training material on various tools is here:

Tool errata - as we find issues with tools, we will document them here:

Integral Tools

The tools listed in the first table below are considered an integral part of Connectathon testing. These tools are referenced in Connectathon tests and are part of the test procedure.

Tool Used for Location / Config info Support

Gazelle Itself

Test Management

Eric (P26)

Gazelle Security Suite

- Home of ATNA Questionnaires

- TLS client / server simulator

- ATNA Audit message validator

- Syslog collector (ARR simulator)

Abderrazek (P25)

CDA Validation (several)

PCC, QRPH and C-CDA Testing

IHE CDA Overview of Testing Procedure

Steve (P28)

DICOM Central Archive

Archive for DICOM objects

GUI front-end:

password: admin/admin (to add your AE title so the archive will accept your association)

IP addr / port: /  11112

IP addr / port: /  11112


Steve (P28)

Gazelle EVS Client

Home page

Eric (P26)

DICOM validators (DCCHECK, dcm4che, Dicom3Tools, Pixelmed-REM, dcmcheck)

Eric (P26)

HL7v2 validator

HL7v3 validator

Eric (P26) 

PDF/A validator (XDS-SD)

Eric (P26)

XDW validator

Abderrazek (P25)

Gazelle proxy

message capture/validation (non-TLS)

Abderrazek (P25)

Gazelle Order Manager

Is the DSS/OF for CARD & RAD profiles:

--DICOM Modality Worklist SCP for RAD & CARD modalities

--RAD-13 sender for RAD & CARD Image Managers

Watch this short "how to" video

Anne-Gaëlle (P25) 

Gazelle Patient Manager

Source of pre-load Patients

Patient Demographics Supplier and Patient Encounter Supplier in the PAM Profile

Anne-Gaëlle (P25) 

FHIR Read-Only Server

- Hosts FHIR Resources used as datasets for some profiles

http://fhir-read:8080/hapi-fhir-ro  (web GUI)

http://fhir-read:8080/hapi-fhir-ro/baseDstu3 (server base)

Steve (P28)

FHIR Read-Write Server

- Resource validation
- Participants can store resources here

http://fhir-write:8080/hapi-fhir-rw (web GUI)

http://fhir-write:8080/hapi-fhir-rw/baseDstu3 (server base)

Steve (P28)

NIST HL7 v2.x

For HL7 v2.x PIX/PDQ

For QRPH VRDR HL7 messages

Rob (P22)

PCD Tools

PCD Message Validation

John Garguilo (E22)


SAML assertion provider - XUA and SeR testing

Abderrazek (P25)

XDS Tools 

 XD* profile testing

 - Endpoints for the XDS Public Registry - Red, Green, and Blue - are on: http://nist1:9080/

- XDS toolkit: TBD

- XDS Registry Dashboard: from the toolkit home page, select Connectathon Tools --> Dashboard

 Bill (M28)

XDS Toolkit 2018

XD* test support
XCA test support
MHD test support


XDS-I Tools 2018

For testing XDS-I and XCA-I implementations.

Uses the NIST XDS Toolkit directly

Steve (P28)

Backup or Experimental Tools

The tools listed in the table below are considered as backups or possibly experimental.

Backup: Tool is available if someone needs to review/resolve an issue by using one of our tools. These are not part of the defined testing protocol.

Experimental: A tool is in development. We may ask you for your help in running a few tests to examine the behavior of our testing software.

Tool Status Used for Location / Config info Support