Add new transaction

Transactions, like actors, can be viewed in a list fashion accessed from the TF drop down menu.

  1. From the main menu, select TF à Transaction Browsing

Transaction Browsing menu

  1. Search for existing Transactions.
    1. Search by entering a Keyword.  This is the abbreviation of the transaction, eg ITI-2, QRPH-1, RAD-8.
    2. Sort the list by Keyword or Name and page through the list using the page numbers at the bottom of the screen.

 Transaction Page

    1. To add a new transaction, select the Add transaction button at the top right of the page.
    2. On the following page, enter:
      1. Keyword – This is a shortened form of the Transaction containing the domain acronym followed by a dash, then a number (no spaces) Example: RAD-4
      2. Name – This is the full name of the transaction from the Technical Framework.
      3. Description – You can copy the definition for the transaction from the Technical Framework. May be left blank.
      4. TF Reference – The reference to the particular volume and section from the Technical Framework. May be left blank.
      5. Status – All new transactions entered into Gazelle will be entered as Trial Implementations.  May also be Final Text.


Add Transaction

  1. Click on the Save button to save your changes