Connectathon Doc Sharing testing -- 3 XDS Affinity Domains

This page applies to vendors testing IHE's document sharing profiles:  XD*, XC*, MHD
and supporting Patient ID manangement profiles:  PIX*, PDQ*


If you're testing these profiles, please review this page prior to the IHE Connectathon.

Note that there are updates below related to Patient IDs in Patient Resources in some IHE profiles based on HL7® FHIR®.


At IHE Connectathons in both Europe and North America, we define three Affinity Domains. These represent three different document sharing (XDS) communities.

Patient IDs in Connectathon Affinity Domains

Each of these domains is associated with its own Patient ID assigning authority. For ease of reference we refer to these as:

  • Red Patient ID domain.  The Patient ID assigning authority value is:
    • for Patient IDs used in the PIX, PIXv3, PDQ, PDQv3 and XDS.b profiles
    • urn:oid: for Patient IDs used in FHIR-based profiles PIXm, PDQm, MHD
  • Green Patient ID domain.  The Patient ID assigning authority value is:
    • for Patient IDs used in the PIX, PIXv3, PDQ, PDQv3 and XDS.b profiles
    • urn:oid: for Patient IDs used in FHIR-based profiles PIXm, PDQm, MHD
  • Blue Patient ID domain.  The Patient ID assigning authority value is:
    • for Patient IDs used in the PIX, PIXv3, PDQ, PDQv3 and XDS.b profiles
    • urn:oid: for Patient IDs used in FHIR-based profiles PIXm, PDQm, MHD
  • We also have a 'local' Patient ID assigning authority ( and urn:oid:

We have a tool -- the Gazelle PatientManager --  for creating a patient with a Patient ID with a Red, Green or Blue assigning authority and sending it via HL7v2 or v3 to your test system.  It also can create equivalent FHIR Patient Resources.  Instructions on how to use this tool to populate your test system with patients for Connectathon testing are found in pre-Connectathon test Preload_Connectathon_Test_Patients.

Explanatory resources:

  • Three-domain-assigning-authority: XDS.b Registries and XC*Gateways are assigned to one of the 3 affinity domains for the entire connectathon week.
    • These assignments are in the spreadsheet linked above.
    • Registries accept a patient identity feed, and register documents, with patient IDs in their assigned domain (ie with their designated Patient ID assigning authority)
    • Likewise, Gateway actors represent communities with documents in their one assigned domain.
    • PIX Managers, and some PDQ Suppliers, can operate across domains.
  • XC* testing schedule during Connectathon week - contains the Tues/Wed/Thur schedule for XC testing for the current Connectathon.