

This test applies to Portable Media Creators in the XDM Profile that create either CD-R or USB media, or a ZIP file for the ZIP over Email optionl.  

This test case is used to create XDM-formatted media (CD-R and/or USB). The media you create will be used by Portable Media Importers during the Connectathon in the XDM_Import_* peer-to-peer tests.


As a Portable Media Creator, when you create your media, we encourage to to put documents  from the various IHE content profiles your system supports (eg APR, BPPC, EDES,  EDR, IC,  XDS-MS, XDS-SD, XD-LAB, XPHR, etc).  A larger variety of document types will help the Importer systems find compatible content.

You will also be required to demonstrate that you send an 'export' audit message when you create XDM media.

To create your XDM media for exchange during Connectathon:

STEP 1: Create 2 copies of physical media:  USB and/or CD/R, if you support those options.

STEP 2:  Label your physical media.  The label should contain your system name in Gazelle Test Management, your table location, and the name of a technical contact at your table.  Also include the document types you have included on media (eg XPHR, XDS-SD, etc...)  (We recognize the space limitations on USB; create a piece of paper that can accompany your media.) Bring your media with you to the Connectathon.

STEP 3: Create a zip file of the file structure on your XDM media. Upload that zip file into the samples area of Gazelle Test Management: menu Connectathon-->Connectathon-->List of Samples. On the 'Samples to share' tab, upload your zip file under the 'XDM' entry.


During Connectathon, a Monitor will do a two-part evaluation of your media.   You should do these for yourself in advance of the Connectathon so that you are confident your test will pass.


Earlier versions of this test involved manual scrutiny of the METADATA.XML file.  Now, we use the Gazelle EVSClient:

  1. Access https://gazelle.ihe.net/EVSClient/home.seam
  2. Select menu IHE--> XD* Metadata -->Validate
  3. Click the "Add" button then upload one METADATA.XML from the media under test.
  4. From the "Model Based Validation" dropdown list, select "IHE XDM ITI-32 Distribute Document Set on Media"
  5. The Monitor will be looking for a validation results with no errors.


EVALUATION PART 2 - Validate XDM structure using the Edge Test Tool

  1. Validate the zip file that you created above using the XDM validator in https://ett.healthit.gov/ett/#/validators/xdm
  2. Create a screen capture of the successful results from the validator and upload it into the Samples area of Gazelle Test Management, along with your ZIP file.