Preload PDO: Load Patients for Pediatric Demographics option


These instructions apply to actors that support the Pediatric Demographics option.  This test asks actors to load their database with patients for "twin" use cases.


Actors that support the Pediatric Demographics Option must run this 'test' to ensure that test patients with proper pediatric demographics are in its system in order to run subsequent tests on the Pediatric Demographics option.

  • PIX/PIXv3 Patient Identity Source systems - load these patients into your database.  At the Connectathon, you will perform peer-to-peer tests, you will be asked to send them to a PIX Manager.
  • PDQ/PDQv3/PDQm Patient Demographics Supplier systems - load these patients into your database.  At the Connectathon, you will perform peer-to-peer tests, you will be asked to respond to queries for these patients.

The Pediatric Demographics test patients are here:

We ask you to manually load these patients.  Unfortunately, we cannot use the Gazelle Patient Manager tool to load these patients because the 'special' pediatric fields are not supported by the tool.


There is no log file associated with this 'test', so you do not need to upload results into Gazelle Test Management for this test.

Office spreadsheet icon Connectathon_TwinUseCases.xls43.5 KB