mCSD Load Test Data


This is not an actual "test". Rather it is a task that ensures that the mCSD Care Services Selective Supplier is loaded with the Resources and value sets that we will use as part of Connectathon testing.

Instuctions for Supplier Systems

The instructions below apply to mCSD Supplier systems. (The mCSD Consumer actor is included on this test so that it is aware of this test mCSD test data, but it has no preload work to do. During Connectathon, the Consumer will be performing queries based on the content of these Resources.)

(1) Connectathon FHIR Resources

In order to perform query testing with predictable results, the Care Services Selective Supplier system must be populated with the entries from pre-defined FHIR Resources:

  • Organization
  • Location
  • HealthcareService
  • Practitioner
  • PractitionerRoles

**Some Suppliers may support only a subset of these. **

These resources are available in two places  (the test data is the same in both places, so you only need to access/load one set):

  • On the HAPI FHIR Read/Write Server deployed for Connectathon.  (note that the link to this server be published by the technical manager of your testing event).

(2) Additional Resources

The pre-defined Connectathon test data are limited in scope.  We expect Suppliers to be populated with additional Organization, Provider, Facility & Service Resources.  We give no specific guidance on the number of Resources, but we are looking for a more realistic database.  Good entries offer better testing opportunities.

(3) Value Sets for some codes:

The FHIR Resources for mCSD testing contain codes from some pre-defined ValueSet Resources.

These ValueSets are also found in Github and on the FHIR Read/Write Server at the links above.

code FHIR ValueSet Resource id
Organization Type  IHE-CAT-mCSD-organizationTypeCode
Service Type  IHE-CAT-mCSD-serviceTypeCode
Facility Type  IHE-CAT-mCSD-facilityTypeCode
Facility Status  IHE-CAT-mCSD-facilityStatusCode
Provider Type  IHE-CAT-mCSD-providerTypeCode
Provider Status  IHE-CAT-mCSD-providerStatusCode
Credential Type  IHE-CAT-mCSD-credentialTypeCode
Specialty Type  IHE-CAT-mCSD-specializationCode
Language  languages
Provider Qualification  v2-2.7-0360


The mCSD Resources also contain codes from these FHIR ValueSets:


There are no result files to upload into Gazelle Test Management for this test.  Preloading these prior to the Connectathon is intended to save you precious time during Connectathon week.