

This is a "task" (ie not a test) that ensures that your '''CSD Care Services Directory''' is loaded with the entries that we will use as part of Connectathon testing.


The Care Services Directory is loaded with Connectathon test data: (1) Codes, and (2) Organization, Provider, Facility, and Service information. 

(1) Load Connectathon code sets:

ITI TF-1: states, "Implementing jurisdictions may mandate code sets for Organization Type, Service Type, Facility Type, Facility Status, Provider Type, Provider Status, Contact Point Type, Credential Type, Specialization Code, and language code. A Care Services Directory actors shall be configurable to use these codes, where mandated."

For Connectathon testing, we define these codes and ask that you load them onto your Directory prior to arriving at the connectathon. They are documented in the format defined in IHE's SVS (Sharing Value Sets) profile, though support for SVS is not mandated in IHE.

The code sets are found here in Google Drive under IHE Documents > Connectathon > test_data > ITI-profiles > CSD-test-data >  CSD_Directory_Codes. (They are also available in the SVS Simulator: http://gazelle.ihe.net/SVSSimulator/browser/valueSetBrowser.seam


(2) Load Connectathon Organization, Provider, Facility, and Services entries

In order to perform query testing with predictable results, Care Services Directories must be populated with the entries in the following files here in Google Drive under IHE Documents > Connectathon > test_data > ITI-profiles > CSD-test-data >  CSD_Directory_Entries.

Some directories may support only a subset of these entry types:

  • CSD-Organizations-Connectathon-<date>.xml
  • CSD-Providers-Connectathon-<date>.xml
  • CSD-Facilities-Connectathon-<date>.xml
  • CSD-Services-Connectathon-<date>.xml

(3) Additional Organization, Provider, Facility, and Services entries

The Connectathon entries are limited in scope.  We expect Directories to be populated with additional Organization, Provider, Facility & Service entries.  We give no specific guidance on the number of entries, but we are looking for a more realistic database.  Good entries offer better testing opportunities.


Create a short text file saying that you have finished loading your codes. Upload that text file into Gazelle Test Management as the results for this 'test'. That is your signal to use that you are ready for Connectathon testing.